Keeping a Chaos Free Kitchen

As one of the most frequently used rooms, it’s no wonder the kitchen is often the most cluttered area in your house. So is it possible to get your kitchen free of clutter in only 15 minutes? It is if you have a plan. Begin by giving the area a quick look to get an idea of what you have where and what needs to be put away. When you’re ready to begin, start at one end and work your way around the room. Stay focused on the item you’re currently handling and don’t get side tracked when you see something else. To keep you on track, split your kitchen up into sections, making sure you’ve identified three sections in which you will spend 5 minutes (and use a timer if you need to, to help keep you moving forward). Counter space is the first thing to consider. It’s likely cluttered with appliances, mail, empty containers, non-spoiling food (such as spices and cereal), etc. The general rule is that if you don’t use it daily, it doesn’t need to be displayed. Take your coffee maker for example. You probably use it daily so leave it where it is and give it a quick wipe down (if necessary). If you have coffee mugs sitting out, move them right into the dishwasher. Part of the countertop includes your sink area so the same approach applies: if it contains items you don’t use daily, put them away. Have a place – maybe a plastic container or bucket under the sink - where you can quickly toss items. Then give your sink a quick wash down so that it shines. Paperwork can and will consume your life – no matter where it is in your house. The kitchen seems to be an ideal “drop spot” for mail, take-out menus, school permission slips and more. But paperwork – no matter how well it’s organized – is always going to look like clutter. Since you have to put it away for the clutter-free look and you don’t want to lose it, be sure to have a box with a lid handy to stash it in. (Just don’t forget that it’s there!) Take two or three minutes every day to do a quick sort so it doesn’t get out of control. If you find you have way too much extra stuff still lying around, a walk-in pantry can be the ideal place to store items as long as they belong in the kitchen. For those items that do not belong in the kitchen, have a basket or box on hand as well as a pre-determined spot out of sight to place that basket or box. (Don’t forget where you stashed it because you’ll want to come back later and put those items away.) Once everything is away, give your kitchen a quick wipe down and it’s ready to show off…whether it be preparing a nice meal or entertaining friends.


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